(Taken from the Heyward Family Association By-Laws, April 28, 2001 revision)
1. Eligibility for Membership
Individuals are eligible for membership who are descendants of Daniel Heyward, who emigrated from England, and after an active life in the Colony died in Charleston in 1684, and their respective spouses. The Board of Governors may designate other individuals interested in promoting the interest of the Association as eligible.
2. Dues and Terms of Membership
Annual dues shall be $25.00, which includes $5.00 donation to the Heyward Foundation. Life membership status (no annual dues payments) is restricted to those who held life The terms of each membership is from the close of the Annual Meeting to the close of the next Annual Meeting. Dues for the ensuing year are then payable. If for any reason other than dissolution of the Association the Annual Meeting not be held, dues shall be payable April 1, and the terms of membership shall conform. A member is in good standing if dues for such member are paid for the current year. Members in arrears ninety days after due dates may be suspended by the Board of Governors. Memberships may be reinstated by payment of dues. New memberships paying dues within ninety days (90) of the next Annual Meeting will continue through the close of the Annual Meeting of the following year.
3. Annual Report and Notice to Membership:
At least fifteen (15) days before the date set for the Annual Meeting (Reunion date), the members will be notified by the March newsletter of the date and time of the Annual Meeting which will be held in conjunction with the annual Heyward Family Reunion. Any vote taken at such meeting will be confined to the current dues paying members of the Association. Non-dues payers will not be eligible to vote. At its discretion, the Board my utilize proxy voting.
4. Membership Meetings:
The Annual Meeting of the membership shall be the second Saturday after Easter or such other date the Board of Governors may designate. At these meetings the election of Board members (i.e. President, Vice President, and Member-at-Large) of the Association shall be held and the results announced. Voting on other proposals shall be held and the results announced. There shall also be conducted at the Annual Meeting such other business as may then be appropriate. Each member in good standing present at any meeting shall be entitled to cast one vote
on any question or election submitted to the membership. Majority vote is required for election or adoption of any proposed measure.
5. Quorum:
The presence in person of twenty (20) members in good standing at a meeting shall constitute a quorum, except for proposals to amend these By-Laws, in which case quorum requirement will be thirty (30) members.